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Throwing Caps

Portait of a Graduate

1) God-Centered - 
At Runnels Academy, we want our graduates to live lives of joyful obedience to their
Creator because they have tasted and seen that He is good. Our desire is for them to
recognize their dependence upon God and to receive all of His provisions with gratitude.
We want them to see God at work everywhere and to seek His glory in everything.

2) Virtuous -
Our hope is to graduate students who are virtuous, not because they have begrudgingly
conformed to a high standard, but because they love God and desire to imitate Him. We
aim to equip our graduates to shape culture through wise and victorious Christian
living—virtuous living—full of wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, faith, hope, and
love to both God and neighbor.

3) Biblical -
At Runnels Academy, we believe that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is
the apex of God’s glory and the center of history and that every academic endeavor must
begin here. We strive to graduate students who interpret reality through the lens of
Scripture and to do so without apology.

4) Reasonable - 
We seek to train our students to think clearly and reason well. We want their minds to be
finely tuned by truth, goodness, and beauty, in order to push back the darkness as joyful
servants of the Light. We want our graduates to be lifelong learners who never grow tired
of loving God with their minds.

5) Compelling -
At Runnels Academy, we want our graduates to engage the world persuasively; to be
captivated by their view of the world and be able to portray that vision in a compelling
way. Our goal is for them to be grounded in the truth and courageous with the truth. We
want their love for the truth to be lovely.

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